søndag den 17. oktober 2010

Japanese magazines and zines

Parco is a great department store in Shibuya which has Libro book store in the basement. They have a HUGE selection of books, manga comics and magazines here. It was so amazing - I have never ever experienced a greater selection like this one! I went crazy in there and bought loads of inspiring books and magazines to fill up my suitcase.

I bought Fruits (with streetpics of Harajuku girls), Spoon, NYLON Japan, ku:nel and some Japanese fashion and lifestyle magazines. They have magazines about everything here.
Nice book covers.
I got some really nice design books as well. I am looking forward to studying this one about girls zines and the making of them (though I don't understand the Japanese text). I want to make some zines when I get back. Read about a zine workshop here in tokyo, it looks great fun!

I found this nice zine called murmur. It is published by a Japanese fashion brand and it's theme is "To live beautiful and sweet" and it talks about eco-fashion and sustainable lifestyles. It's really nice!

1 kommentar:

  1. Hej laura
    det hele ser fantastisk ud. Så utroligt dejligt at du blogger. Super spændende at følge med i. Magsinerne ser rigtig spændende ud.
    nyd det.
    stort knus lisa
